A Letter to Huru's Monthly Donors
Each month, Huru holds a menstrual kit distribution in honor of our monthly donors, a community lovingly known as The Cycle. Velnah leads those distributions and penned the below letter to say thank you to The Cycle members.
To the members of The Cycle:
We are thrilled about your generosity and continued donations to support girls so that they can manage their periods with dignity. Thank you for taking up the torch and running with it all throughout the year.
With your donations, lives have been changed. Girls have been lifted up, and periods have been made easier for thousands of girls in marginalized areas which is really amazing. Because when a girl faces obstacles in managing her period, she is at risk of infections, her self-esteem and self-confidence suffer, she may remain absent from school during her period, or even drop out of school altogether upon reaching puberty. Over time, these negative effects add up, preventing a young girl from achieving her full potential and having a healthy, productive life.
Each monthly distribution has been unique. Girls are going through so much and oftentimes need a shoulder to lean on or someone to confide in. My colleague, Faith, and I have been able to be those shoulders for them. Despite some distribution events becoming emotional because of the stories the girls share with us, we are happy to know that the girls we meet are transforming their lives for the better. For example, Anastacia Nthenya is back in school after being supported through The Cycle’s distribution and Huru’s support. We met her this year during one of the monthly distributions. Anastacia had dropped out of school due to financial problems and a lack of menstrual pads. But today she is back in school, learning comfortably without having to worry about her period. And she is so grateful for the support from you.
As the lead in The Cycle distributions, I sincerely thank all of our monthly donors. Donations from you have made me love what I do even more. The monthly interactions with different girls have been inspiring and heart-warming because I leave every venue knowing girls’ lives has been transformed.
As we wind down this year, I want to say that we appreciate your donations so much. As the saying goes, “a giving hand is the blessed hand.” We are thus grateful to move together in this journey of transforming lives meaningfully. Your donations make all this possible and we are hopeful as we move forward, we will be able to reach more girls who will in turn feel empowered and transformed with dignity.
To our donors, you are the fuel to my fire, your donations are very high-prized and will forever be held in high regard in my memory. You are our driving force and we need extraordinary people like you. As we blaze ahead to fulfil our common goal, we can only do it because of kind people like you.
Thank you for a wonderful and impactful year,
Velnah Morang’a
Velnah at the December 2021 The Cycle distribution.
Reaching girls with The Cycle
The Cycle creates a lasting impact all year long and is made up of members from all around the globe working together to create a world where no girl is limited by her period.